Chicago Itinerary: Top things to do in the city

Following New York and Los Angeles, Chicago is one of America’s most populous cities. Known for its cultural diversity, cold winters and deep dish pizza; the city is a beautiful place with plenty to do,…

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How to Reinvent Yourself & Manifest Success

Life is a journey, and along the way, we often find ourselves in need of change, growth, and reinvention. Whether you’re looking to transform your career, personal life, or simply want to become a better…

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Girl’s Trip: New York City

Friends are soulmates too and it’s nothing like a good girl’s trip to the city that never sleeps.  Though, this wasn’t just any girl’s trip. One of my friends is getting married so the gang…

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How to Handle Disappointment

Disappointment is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a job rejection, a failed relationship, or an unmet expectation, we all face disappointment at some point.  However, it’s how we handle disappointment that truly defines…

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How to be successful in your corporate job

In any corporate job, being productive isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Juggling tasks, meetings, and deadlines can be overwhelming. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned professional or newly navigating corporate, these nine…

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3 Secret Study Tips to Use This School Year

Success in academics doesn’t solely rely on intelligence; it’s about adopting effective study techniques that help you retain information, understand concepts, and perform well in exams.    Whether you’re a high school student, a college…

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What to do in New Orleans French Quarter

There are so many things to do in New Orleans French Quarter. In this post, I’m going to recap my recent visit and provide a few recommendations that will help you plan your next trip…

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The best ways to work from home

While there are many ways to work, in this blog post I want to dive into the techniques I use that help me successfully work from home. Everyone has their own individual style of working…

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How to plan a Bahamas trip on a Budget

Planning a Bahamas trip on a budget is not an easy thing to do but luckily for you it also isn’t extremely difficult.  With proper planning, research and due diligence your next Bahamas trip will…

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The Best Solo Date Ideas to Help You Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

The best way to get to know who you are is by going out on a solo date and enjoying your own company. Picture this: it’s the early afternoon on a weekday and you’re alone…

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The benefits of cycle syncing

What if there was a way to align your cycle to your lifestyle? Well, cycle syncing is exactly that. I’ve been reading up on this concept because I’m always looking for ways to improve every…

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Frugal Vs. Cheap: What is the difference?

When saving money, every penny counts and you start to wonder what the real difference is when it comes to frugal vs. cheap. However, there are just those things that are worth an extra dollar…

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The Ultimate Spring Wardrobe Capsule for 2023

SPRING CAPSULE WARDROBE The sun is on its way out and soon we’ll be able to put winter behind us. As the weather warms up and the clock springs forward, it’s the perfect time to…

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17 Abundance Mindset Quotes That Will Keep You Inspired

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing 17 abundance mindset quotes to remind you that anything is possible.  We all have the power to be and have anything we want in life – if we…

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Best Valentine’s Day Gifts

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Valentine’s Day Gifts Immediately after the new year, you can…

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Fun things to do in New York

My boyfriend and I recently visited New York City to celebrate our one-year anniversary. We had a great time even though it was freezing!  This blog post includes fun things to do in New York…

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Is renters insurance really worth it?

If you’re on a tight budget, the first thing you do is consider everything that you can go without. On the top of that list – you might have put renters insurance. If so, I’m…

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How to reset for the new year

Another new year has come along and it’s the perfect time to set new intentions, revisit old goals and make new plans. This blog post will help you reset for the new year so you’re…

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How To Use The Cash Envelope System

The most important thing to know when it comes to budgeting is that every dollar has a job.  The cash envelope system is a great way to see how much money you have and put…

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How to smell good all day long

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Lots of people have their own signature scent and collection…

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Fall things to do

There are so many reasons to love fall. It’s truly a beautiful time of year especially as the leaves begin to change, the air gets crisper and everything begins to feel super cozy.  I love…

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How to establish a slow morning routine

You’re likely way more familiar with the concept of an early morning routine. Well, this isn’t a blog post encouraging you to wake up at 5 a.m. and complete a laundry list of tasks before…

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How to establish a nighttime routine

I believe everyone should have a nighttime routine. I’m guilty of not following it every single night but I’ve noticed a huge difference in my performance and how productive I am in the morning when…

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How to get out of your comfort zone

Change is inevitable and because of that it is something we all need to learn how to embrace. All too often we find ourselves set in our routines becoming content with the way things are…

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How to understand credit card billing cycle

Credit can be complex; you can easily find yourself in debt if you don’t understand your credit card billing cycle and due date. In this blog post, I will be breaking down the dates you…

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How to prepare for a performance review

Evaluating your performance is an important part of becoming better, therefore, it’s no surprise that each year you’re likely siting down with your manager to talk about how well you’re doing. Your performance review is…

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How to look expensive on a budget

When you are on a budget your wardrobe likely isn’t too high on your list of priorities. Though, what you choose to wear says a lot about how you want to be perceived by the…

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How to create the ultimate development plan

All great things take time and nothing worth having will just be given to you. If you don’t want to put in the work, then you can go ahead and forget about reaching any personal…

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How to use the paycheck budget method of budgeting

Now, more than ever people have been faced with hardships caused by the coronavirus pandemic. It seems like it’s never-ending. Every day there is a new headline and for some a paycheck is unpredictable. According…

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How to develop better money habits as a young adult

As a young adult, it can be easy not to be too concerned about building better money habits. Though what you do right now while you are young will determine your future. Let’s talk about…

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How to Romanticize your life as a single woman

You are the main character of your own life. That is the first thing you need to know in order to successfully romanticize your life. Believe it or not, many of us are not behaving…

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The Habits of Successful Women

Everyone wants to have the “perfect” life and become successful. Though, many are not willing to change their ways to become the type of person who is successful. It’s true, our habits determine the type…

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The best Self-Care Day routine

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, it’s true, we all need a little rest and relaxation. That is why a self-care day is essential. Sometimes, we get lost in the hustle…

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How to find your passion in life

Life is such a journey and figuring out what you are supposed to be doing with it is probably one of the most difficult things to do. There are so many different directions a person…

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Guide to moving out on your own for the first time

So, you’re finally doing it! You are moving out on your own and ready to be a “real adult”. This comes with a lot of responsibility but at some point, we all have to grow…

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How to live a luxurious lifestyle on a budget

Everyone has their own idea of luxury. Many can agree that designer clothes, vacations, and fancy restaurants all qualify as luxury. However, the truth is it’s all subjective. Therefore, you can live a luxurious lifestyle…

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How to manage irregular income

Creating a standard budget can be difficult when you’re first getting started with budgeting and taking your finances seriously. You will likely realize that your budget changes from month to month even when you know…

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How to create a budget

To successfully manage your finances, you will need to create a budget. It doesn’t matter who you are or how much you make – everyone needs a budget. Regardless of if you make $350,000 or…

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Living a more intentional life

Living a more intentional life has become a big part of my core values. Aside from becoming more financially whole, I’ve been on a mission to seek more joy. I will say, I wasn’t always…

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How your FICO score is Calculated

There is a 3-digit number that impacts your financial health, otherwise known as your FICO score. Do you know how your FICO scored is calculated? Well, it is based on data found in your credit…

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What Is The Debt Snowball Method

A popular method to paying down debt is the debt snowball method. Becoming debt-free is a major financial milestone, though when you’re in debt it can seem impossible to pay it down. Nonetheless, debt is…

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Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

Your thoughts determine your behavior and what you say to yourself impacts your everyday life. These 3 daily affirmations will help you build better habits and increase productivity. Remember you’re here for a beautiful purpose…

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How to take a professional headshot

A professional headshot is essential when it comes to representing yourself. Investing in a polished look could yield more positive results such as a new job position or increased sales if you’re a business owner.…

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A Bold New Year A Big New Goal

I am feeling very excited for all that this new year has in store for myself and my brand. Last year, I had many plans and was really excited about so many things (travel being…

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How to navigate your finances as a woman

It seems like we are all becoming busier and busier. Though it’s very important to pause and take a look at what is going on with your money. No matter how old you are, you…

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A Love Letter to My Younger Self

To: Terri From: Terri Dream Big Dreams I never thought to write a love letter to my younger self. However, I reflect often and obviously write frequently. First, I have to acknowledge how far I’ve…

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The benefits of Delayed Gratification

Today on the blog, I want to share the benefits of delayed gratification and how you can incorporate it into your everyday spending habits.  If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I…

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Reset for success after a long year

September Reset It has been such a long year. Have you found yourself wondering how you can reset for success? It’s September, I can hardly believe it… 2020 has surely tested my faith. If you…

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How to build credit as a millennial woman

Having poor credit or no credit at all can limit you from doing a lot of things. This is why you need to figure out how to build credit as a millennial woman. It’s bad…

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The different types of debt you need to know

What is good debt Wait, good debt? Yes, in this blog post I’m going to be talking about two different types of debt. There is the good and then there is the bad. I like…

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What is a High Yield Savings Account

You’re saving! That is great, and something I will always encourage here on Money Multiplied. Though, are you making the most of your savings? A high-yield savings account is a type of savings account that…

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How to host a dinner party on a budget

Planning a dinner party can feel like a full-time job, in fact, I know what that is like seeing as though I use to spend much of my days planning large events and parties for…

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Why You Need An Emergency Savings Fund

Let’s be real, you need to have an emergency savings fund because today’s economy has just about everyone scrambling. Problems with the supply chain is causing everything to be more expensive making it difficult to…

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Cup of Tea Events Presents Bags with Budgets

I had an incredible time at the first-ever Bags with Budgets event hosted by Cup of Tea Events. Before I get into this blog post I have to mention that the Founder and Creative Director…

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