3 Secret Study Tips to Use This School Year

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Success in academics doesn’t solely rely on intelligence; it’s about adopting effective study techniques that help you retain information, understand concepts, and perform well in exams. 


Whether you’re a high school student, a college undergraduate, or pursuing advanced degrees, these 3 secret study tips can significantly enhance your learning journey.


In this blog post I’ll be sharing pointers that will help set you up for success this academic school year and beyond. 


Let’s dive right into it!

Study tips to use this school year

3 Secret study tips: BEFORE YOU START

organize your workspace

Creating a clutter-free and organized study environment can greatly improve your focus and productivity. 


Keep your desk tidy, have all necessary materials nearby and minimize distractions.


I find that your set up impacts how successful you are during your study session.


If you keep getting up to do or grab something, this interrupts your focus flow. 


To avoid this, be sure you have access to everything you might need before getting into your study session. 


Some items you might need include: Water/tea/coffee, notebook, planner, pens/highlighters/pencils/study materials and noise cancelling headphones etc. 

Related content: The best ways to work from home

Set clear goals

The first secret tip begins before you start studying, establish clear goals for each study session. 


Having a specific target helps you stay on track and provides a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.


For instance, you might want to make straight A’s this year. That is going to require you to study more and prepare for class and lectures before they begin.


This means doing the pre-reading and coming ready to ask questions for anything you didn’t understand. 


Additionally, instead of passively reading or listening, engage in active learning techniques like summarizing, questioning, and teaching the material to someone else. 


These methods enhance your understanding and retention.

3 secret study tips: Success when studying

Create a study schedule

Develop a study schedule that balances different subjects and topics. 


Allocate specific time blocks for studying, breaks, and leisure activities. Consistency is key. 


You’ll quickly find yourself struggling to focus if you force yourself to only work on one topic for hours on end. 


I know studying isn’t necessarily fun, but you can absolutely make the most of it by creating a routine that works for you. 


Math was never my favorite subject. In fact, I struggled with it throughout school. But I noticed my environment made a huge difference. 


On campus, this was a subject I knew I needed to study in the library because there were limited distractions. 


The timing of when I studied this topic was important too. After class I found that creating an hour of time to review what I just learned in a quite area resulted in higher test scores. 


The second secret is to use varied resources.


Don’t limit yourself to just one textbook. Utilize a variety of resources such as online articles, videos, podcasts, and different textbooks to gain a well-rounded understanding of the subject or lesson. 


Basically, what I’m trying to say is…your teacher or professor doesn’t have to be your only tool for learning. 


This leads to my next point.

Utilize technology wisely

Make use of apps and online tools designed to aid studying. Flashcard apps, note-taking software, and online collaboration platforms can streamline your learning process. 


For subjects that involve exams, practicing with past papers is invaluable. 


It familiarizes you with the format, helps you manage time effectively, and provides insight into the types of questions asked.


Pro-tip, while you’re studying, remember to take regular breaks. 


Studying for hours on end can lead to burnout and reduced retention. 


Implement the Pomodoro technique – study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After completing four cycles, take a longer break.

stay physically active

The third and final secret tip is stay physically active.


Regular exercise is not just beneficial for your body, but also for your mind. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive function and focus.


You should be practicing self-care too.


Taking care of your overall well-being is essential for effective studying. Get enough sleep, maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing.


Related content: The best self-care day routine


Mastering the art of effective studying is a journey that requires dedication and continuous improvement. 


By implementing these top 3 secret study tips, you’ll not only enhance your academic performance but also develop valuable skills that will serve you well throughout your life. 

Remember, it’s not just about how much time you spend studying, but how effectively you use that time to learn and understand the material. 


So, go ahead, apply these tips, and watch your study habits transform for the better. I’d love to know if you found this helpful or have any other tips you think I missed.


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