Another new year has come along and it’s the perfect time to set new intentions, revisit old goals and make new plans.
This blog post will help you reset for the new year so you’re able to welcome all 2023 has in store for you.
Though, you don’t have to wait for a new year – all these tips are applicable for the new year and beyond.

Before you do anything, I think it is important to turn to God and ask him what it is he has in store for this year.
I like to ask God, “What do you want me to be doing with my time in this season of my life?”
This is an important question to ask God because as you reset for the new year, you need to make sure that your plans align with the will that he has for your life – particularly this season of your life.
One of my goals for 2023 is to spend more time with God. This year I will be studying the bible more and consulting him on each decision I make.

It is so easy to get caught up in where you are right now completely forgetting what you’ve accomplished.
Everything that you have gone through has molded you and help you get to where you currently are.
Take some time to reflect on where you’ve been. Write down your recent accomplishments and how they’ve made you feel. This also shows gratitude.
Don’t go into the new year with your space a mess. A part of resetting is tidying up your home, apartment, room etc.
Do a little bit at a time and try to make cleaning up a part of your weekly routine.
I find that if I’m not in the mood or don’t have a ton of time to clean, setting a 15-minute timer and picking one area of my home to focus on each day keeps my place from being a complete disaster.
Self-care is essential for your well-being and for a successful reset. Everyone has their own idea of what this looks like and that is totally fine.
Personally, I love taking a warm bath and soaking in the tub as I listen to self-love affirmations.
I also like to do my make-up and put on an outfit and fragrance that will have me smelling good all day long.

Related content:
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Vision boards are such a powerful thing! I believe they work BUT for them to work so do you.
I use Canva to create a digital vision board which I set as my lock screen on my laptop. This year I plan to create a new mood board with my vision for the particular month.
Setting the vision board as my home screen will remind me of the goals I want to complete and remind me to work on them.
I also think it is important to put yourself on your vision board. Afterall, it is YOUR vision. You want to be able to see yourself reaching your goals and hitting your milestones.

When preparing to reset for the new year, you should write down all your goals. But do them as if they have already been achieved. This is called scripting.
For example, if your goal is to make $1,000 of passive income you’d write. I make $1,000 of passive income.
Scripting is a form of manifestation that helps direct positive energy toward your goals.
Writing your goals as though they’ve already happened helps you reprogram your thoughts giving you the power to transform your life.
This is the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you or the person you want to become.
Start by unfollowing people, accounts and newsletters that make you feel like you need to spend unnecessary money.
Decluttering your inbox and getting rid of junk mail is a great way to get organized professionally and personally for the year ahead.
Make this year the year you try something new; start a new hobby, travel beyond your hometown, take a class to build a new skill.
We should all aspire to grow and learn. Part of this means you will have to step out of your comfort zone.

Related content:
How to get out of your comfort zone
I hope you have an awesome 2023! How do you plan on rebuilding your life in 2023 and beyond?