Frugal Vs. Cheap: What is the difference?

When saving money, every penny counts and you start to wonder what the real difference is when it comes to frugal vs. cheap. However, there are just those things that are worth an extra dollar…

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Is renters insurance really worth it?

If you’re on a tight budget, the first thing you do is consider everything that you can go without. On the top of that list – you might have put renters insurance. If so, I’m…

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How To Use The Cash Envelope System

The most important thing to know when it comes to budgeting is that every dollar has a job.  The cash envelope system is a great way to see how much money you have and put…

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How to understand credit card billing cycle

Credit can be complex; you can easily find yourself in debt if you don’t understand your credit card billing cycle and due date. In this blog post, I will be breaking down the dates you…

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How to use the paycheck budget method of budgeting

Now, more than ever people have been faced with hardships caused by the coronavirus pandemic. It seems like it’s never-ending. Every day there is a new headline and for some a paycheck is unpredictable. According…

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How to develop better money habits as a young adult

As a young adult, it can be easy not to be too concerned about building better money habits. Though what you do right now while you are young will determine your future. Let’s talk about…

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How to manage irregular income

Creating a standard budget can be difficult when you’re first getting started with budgeting and taking your finances seriously. You will likely realize that your budget changes from month to month even when you know…

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How to create a budget

To successfully manage your finances, you will need to create a budget. It doesn’t matter who you are or how much you make – everyone needs a budget. Regardless of if you make $350,000 or…

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How your FICO score is Calculated

There is a 3-digit number that impacts your financial health, otherwise known as your FICO score. Do you know how your FICO scored is calculated? Well, it is based on data found in your credit…

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What Is The Debt Snowball Method

A popular method to paying down debt is the debt snowball method. Becoming debt-free is a major financial milestone, though when you’re in debt it can seem impossible to pay it down. Nonetheless, debt is…

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How to navigate your finances as a woman

It seems like we are all becoming busier and busier. Though it’s very important to pause and take a look at what is going on with your money. No matter how old you are, you…

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How to build credit as a millennial woman

Having poor credit or no credit at all can limit you from doing a lot of things. This is why you need to figure out how to build credit as a millennial woman. It’s bad…

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The different types of debt you need to know

What is good debt Wait, good debt? Yes, in this blog post I’m going to be talking about two different types of debt. There is the good and then there is the bad. I like…

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What is a High Yield Savings Account

You’re saving! That is great, and something I will always encourage here on Money Multiplied. Though, are you making the most of your savings? A high-yield savings account is a type of savings account that…

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Why You Need An Emergency Savings Fund

Let’s be real, you need to have an emergency savings fund because today’s economy has just about everyone scrambling. Problems with the supply chain is causing everything to be more expensive making it difficult to…

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