What is a High Yield Savings Account

You’re saving! That is great, and something I will always encourage here on Money Multiplied. Though, are you making the most of your savings? A high-yield savings account is a type of savings account that…

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Why You Need An Emergency Savings Fund

Let’s be real, you need to have an emergency savings fund because today’s economy has just about everyone scrambling. Problems with the supply chain is causing everything to be more expensive making it difficult to…

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What Is The Debt Snowball Method

A popular method to paying down debt is the debt snowball method. Becoming debt-free is a major financial milestone, though when you’re in debt it can seem impossible to pay it down. Nonetheless, debt is…

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How to navigate your finances as a woman

It seems like we are all becoming busier and busier. Though it’s very important to pause and take a look at what is going on with your money. No matter how old you are, you…

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How To Use The Cash Envelope System

The most important thing to know when it comes to budgeting is that every dollar has a job.  The cash envelope system is a great way to see how much money you have and put…

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